Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gem of a Thousand Facets

Sometimes I wonder at what I write here, casting out where any may read it, but it occurred to me that the reason I dare to write about almost anything is because what is most precious to me remains hidden in the depths of my heart even as I attempt to write about it. For, in truth, I can never write fully about any experience. Anything I have done I can look at in a thousand different ways and all of those ways are equally necessary in order to understand the reality of it. When I write of something it is merely to take one facet, revealing the barest glimpse of that gem.

Like with any item of art or beauty, though, the purpose of that gem is only made manifest in terms of the one who beholds it. Similarly, words cast into purposed form stand to draw forth thoughts, which cause one to probe ever deeper into things, and to look at life anew, with that wonder spoken of both by Chesterton and by Blessed Pope John Paul II.

To think, to speak, to question and to comment: these are the things that encourage the revealing of further facets. Yes, this is an appeal of sorts cast out into the void of unknowing where readers may or may not drift, for I have reached the point at which, when I am writing for others besides myself, I want to know that I am actually writing for others besides myself, in order to continue doing so, and perhaps to return to writing more often. The future of the gem may well be in your hands....