Saturday, July 5, 2008

Just because I haven't said anything in so long...

Working a forty-five hour week and writing just do not go well together, and I doubt there are many writers who have tried it. Thus is my wise advice for today.


Minion GIR said...

Actually, I think most writers do it all the time. The vast majority of writers don't make a living a from their writing so they have to work. Full time. Plus. Maybe a few classes here and there. Many have families and homes to deal with as well.

It's called Life.

Nickel Halfwise said...

Just because people call it that doesn't mean it is. That is not truly life, though it may be a pale shadow of it.

Maybe most writers do; maybe they have to. But I'm all in favor of not having to.

Minion GIR said...

So please explain what real life is.

Nickel Halfwise said...

Maybe most writers do. It probably would have been more accurate to refer specifically to authors. I don't know.