Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

Yes, this is the time of year when people make New Year's Resolutions and I am telling you that not because you do not already know it, but because sometimes there are times when one feels like stating the obvious, especially when the obvious is going to be followed by something slightly less obvious, which means it is only the more obvious—or isn't.

In other words I am not going to here state my New Year's Resolutions. In point of fact, I haven't any.

I have always thought said resolutions were somewhat silly. After all it is just as easy to make resolutions the rest of the year, and most resolutions probably result in nothing anyway. I do now recognize the importance of setting goals and the benefit of telling them to others, so that it is harder to fail to accomplish them, but that is all.

Enough of that. This is your opportunity to suggest some for me.


Jkarofwild said...

You should resolve to get some short story or other into a journal of some sort or other. Or not.

Jkarofwild said...

Also, you should resolve to say "There but for the Grace of God" more often.

Nickel Halfwise said...

I changed my mind again, and randomly decided to resolve to be less dull and to change the world; the former ought to be easy, but the latter may take me some time.

Yes, I must also re-re-re-re-(I forget how many times it should be)re-resolve to get a short story published.

Your second suggestion has become a title for a new short story.

I guess there are no mice hanging about in the woodwork. Maybe I should ask for suggestions more frequently, though.