Thursday, January 3, 2008

One In Three

Finally satisfied with a few stories, I thought the time had come to attempt publication, once again. This is not as easy as one might think, however.

I have this historical fiction short story that was rejected a while back, and I only found one magazine to submit it to, but when I went to do it, that magazine was closed to submissions until March or some other time equally far in the future. Searching was of no avail. If there is a market for that story, I have yet to find it.

Thus I turned to another story, one I wrote only recently. Though only one other person besides myself had read it, I felt fairly confident about it. Therefore, I decided to send it to a magazine I had submitted to before.

After going through all the necessary preliminary processes—verifying formatting, printing, checking it over, sticking it in an envelope, and then finding ninety-seven cents worth in stamps (with a 23 cent stamp and two old 37 cent stamps I actually managed to avoid paying extra without going to the post office) —I went out to mail it. Unfortunately, I was again foiled. The mail lady, thinking perhaps to be considerate by coming early, had thus rendered herself unintentionally inconsiderate. My manuscript would not go out for another day.

That was yesterday. It is gone now.

Gone. Utterly gone. No chance to change it now...

Based on previous experience and their estimated time, I should expect to receive a rejection within two to eight weeks, at which time I will post about it here. I would say wish me luck, but since I do not believe in luck, that would be rather foolish.


Jkarofwild said...

Quoth the one called Neiss:
"There was a hole here. It is gone now."

Debbie said...

When you're looking for markets, try Duotrope. You can tailor the search by subject, format (print or electronic), payment, etc. Beware, though. It's addictive. I searched by "Historical Fiction" and got 37 primary markets and 207 secondary markets. Secondary markets are those open to "all or most genres".

Nickel Halfwise said...

Thankee. I don't think I've found that one before.