Tuesday, November 3, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015

I was not going to participate in National Novel Writing Month this year.  After all, it takes an incredible amount of time and I have not been able to do so for the last several years for that same reason, so it seemed a reasonable decision.  I even vaguely considered not participating as an opposition to the month in which it was chosen or the fact that so many people out there are writing bunk because they can.  Yet somehow the challenge of writing 50,000 words in one month is too much for a writer.

It is a little strange to me to be defining myself once again by the term writer since for several years I was a theatre artist first.  Now I am sinking back again into the old knowledge of writing and the ideas are coming....

So what else can one do when faced with the NaNoWriMo challenge and an idea that just happens to come at the right time?  I said yes, of course.  Fiat.  Let it be!

Hence I am now a little over 3000 words into this epic adventure.  I have a wonderful brother and sister duo each with their own similar struggles.  I have a war setting with refugees in need of care.  I even have a place to put them: this story will go into the world of another story that I have yet to finish writing because it needed more time to germinate.  So I will explore the world a little with this story and see where it leads.  Already there is a mysterious character that promises to reveal something about my female character, if not about the terrible problem facing these people.

There are so many ideas begging!  I am happy to pursue one of them, although sad that I cannot follow them all at once.  It is good, though, to be ready to write, to develop my skill further, and to take seriously something that has always been the fruit of my own need to create something and to explore new worlds than for any other reason.

Some of us just seem to be created to be happy only when we are writing.  Perhaps it makes sense, as it means we are fulfilling our end and hence becoming fully ourselves.

So I had better halt my philosophical ponderings here and return to my writing, for I have not yet written my 1667 or so words for today.  I know at least what shall begin to fill that section of the story, but beyond that mist still lies....

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