Friday, July 15, 2016

"I choose all!"

Why cannot one do everything?  I would if I could.  I suppose that is why I call myself a jack-of-all-trades.

I have quite a full life right now.  I have more jobs and projects and ideas than I can possibly handle with my current energy levels and mental stamina.  Yet somehow I cannot help but want to do more.  My heart is restless and desires to encompass all that is good.

These thoughts were sparked by an email I received from my former professor.  She passed along a job opportunity to be a drama teacher across the country.  Realistically I have absolutely no reason to consider it as I prefer the left coast and, as I mentioned, I already have more than sufficient demands upon my time and energy.  Of course reason did not stop me.  I considered it.  Perhaps I might say rather I envied it.  I was not content with what I had, but wanted more.  I want everything.

This idea reminds me of a story.  Leonie felt she had outgrown her toys so she brought a basket full of them to offer to her younger sisters, Celine and Therese.  Celine chose a nice ball.  Therese, however, took the whole basket, saying, "I choose all!"

I feel like that.  I want to choose all.  That is why I find choices so overwhelming.  How can one choose a single good thing and not all the good things?

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