Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Metaphor on the Human Condition

The other day I had a conversation with my sister about that consuming fear of burdening other people that we human creatures seem to have.  It is foolish really.  I know that on an intellectual level.  I mean I am always honored when people share with me their deepest struggles because I know that they trust me and that they are giving me a part of themselves that reveals them on a more profound level.  In other words, vulnerability is lovable.

Yet somehow, despite my head's evident wisdom, my heart refuses to believe it.  I still fear that others do not want to hear about my struggles, that they will think less of me for it, or will not take my struggles seriously, and so on.  You know how it goes.

Well in the context of my conversation with my sister, a metaphor leaped to mind and I let it burst out.  In the sharing of that metaphor, we met more deeply in our agreement.

What is the metaphor, you may ask?

A jack-in-the-box.

Perhaps I need not explain, but I am oft known for being too subtle.  Hence I will provide some words of explanation.

We are all hiding in our boxes, afraid of popping out, but secretly hoping that someone will wind us up enough to let our true selves.  We cannot come out of our own volition.  We must wait for someone who cares enough what lies inside.

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