Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Food of Inspiration

Let me introduce you to the most amazing food for inspiration (although not by its proper name, as then you couldn't eat it—see Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll if you are not familiar with that reference).  Perhaps you have already guessed what it is.  If not, give it a try.  Hint: it actually is not chocolate.

In any case, and without further ado, except a brief imaginary drum roll....

The food of inspiration is ice cream.

My grandmother has repeatedly assured me that ice cream is brain food.  The brain typically provides the functions necessary for inspiration, so it makes perfect sense.

Rather than draw my conclusion from the above syllogism, however, I pull it from personal experience.

I was at a bit of an impasse with a writing project.  Some might call it writer's block, but I tend to dislike that term—more for reasons of contrariness than anything else, I suppose (although I may one day address this idea in more suitably rational form).  I digress.  My point is that I was doing just about anything I could to avoid trying to work on said writing project.  After all, there is no fun in gazing at the computer while that powerless feeling of despair at ever being able to get any further grows and grows....

It is amazing all the things one can do to avoid working on a writing project.  Even the things that I would naturally avoid—like cooking for instance—suddenly seemed far more important than working on that dreaded project.  Time slips away very quickly in this fashion.  I believe in most circles they call this procrastination.

Then—lo and behold!—my mother returns from the store and offers me an ice cream bar.  I accepted of course—who would say no to ice cream?

As I enjoyed the delicious crunch of the chocolate coating and the soft cold cream of the vanilla ice cream, I found my mind relaxing.  The thought of the play I had been avoiding came to mind.  Then—voila!—all of a sudden I knew what to do with it.

So if ever you find yourself lacking in inspiration, you may consider learning from my example.  All your practiced efforts to defeat writer's block may be of no use.  You may just need some ice cream.

Warning: Do not try this at home without supervision from a qualified health professional unless you possess sufficient willpower to prevent excessive intake which can lead to side effects such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and inability to be productive without ice cream.

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